So, How About 'dem Ducks?


Time Is Passing, So, Get it Done!

What am I talking about?  Preparing for the next stage in your life, that’s what!  Younger people know the steps that are required, if they are going to make something of their life; study, go to the right school, do an internship, join the army for training or do an apprenticeship, etc. But once you start to work through the career, life sort of takes over and the planning stops.  Then we get to middle age, whatever that is, and we begin to wonder what we are all about and maybe question earlier decisions. We may even think seriously about changing a few things. Generally these are pretty narrow in their focus. 

The most typical broad focus change usually takes place when you retire. For many, the issue of retirement comes when you hit some milestone that triggers a financial lever, and you perceive you can get by without working. For some it is a medical matter that becomes the trigger.  For few it happens when they have their “ducks lined up”. This latter group is pretty small. But, it doesn’t have to be.

What Is The Strategy?

There are two methodologies:

                1) Work on a “Bucket List”

                2) Paint a Picture

The first strategy is often a bit fragmented, in that the items on the list may be unrelated.  But it has good possibilities. You’ve identified a number of goals. That is the most important part.  However it requires a few more things. The list has to be reviewed on a regular basis, at least annually, if not more frequent. It needs to be supplemented and culled as your interests change. Next you have to set priorities. Then you have to set a timeframe.  Now, you have to put the plan in place: Line up your ducks. 

The second strategy, typically involves constructing a flushed out scenario of what the next phase of your life plan is going to look like. This is usually more integrated than the bucket list and therefore perhaps a bit more complicated, but not necessarily more difficult to achieve. It requires more up-front thought, and more vision.  Following this “picture” it is necessary to fill in the particulars with objects, colors, and shading.  Now that you know what it looks like, you follow the same methodology as the bucket list, review, modification, priorities on filling in the picture and timelines. Some people refer to this as pre-retirement planning. Perhaps that is a misnomer, it depends on the plan, and how you view what you have been doing for a number of years.

Line up your ducks!
Pre-retirement Planning

Is this a company program or your program? Smart people and smart companies integrate everyone’s elements and needs.  My next article for the Grand Rapids Business Journal, will explore this topic in a bit more depth.

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    Ardon Schambers has 39 years of professional HR experience and is a Principal of P3HR Consulting & Services, LLC

    Mike Blake has over 15 years of safety and leadership experience in industry with extensive transportation expertise.

    Jim Kohmescher worked in both the private and public sectors in human resource management positions. He has a Master's degree and served as an adjunct college instructor.


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